To adjust the output range, set dip switches 5 & 6 to the desired output
range using the label found inside the cover of the unit.
If any of the switches are placed in an undefined combination
the LED will fast blink and the output will be forced to 4mA or zero
To adjust the pressure range, set dip switches 1-4 to the desired pres-
sure range using the label found inside the cover of the unit.
If any of the switches are placed in an undefined combination the
LED will fast blink and the output will be forced to 4mA or zero volts.
Desired Output
Wire connections
4 to 20 mA
Red (V+); Black (Return [4 to 20 mA Signal]), White (Not used)
0 to 5 V or 0 to 10 V
Red (V+); Black (Ground); White (Output Voltage)
4 to 20 mA is “two wire” operation, the red wire connects to a posi-
tive direct current voltage of 7 to 45 VDC, the black wire becomes
the return of the 4 to 20 mA signal and the white wire, while
unused, must be insulated from accidental contact with ground or
any other potential.
For 4 to 20 mA signaling only direct current
can be used to power the AMS810.
0 to 5 V or 0 to 10 V is “three wire” operation, the red wire connects
to either 7 to 45 VDC or 7 to 32 VAC (0-5 VDC output) or 13 to 45
VDC or 13 to 32 VAC (0-10 VDC output), the black wire is connect-
ed to ground and the white wire is connected to an analog input of
the controller. Ruskin insulates the white wire in the factory before
shipping to you, please remove the connector and strip the insula-
tion from the white wire for 0-5V or 0-10V operation.
To ensure that all wires are properly terminated, twist the stripped
ends of each circuit together before inserting into the splice termi-
nals. Gently tug on the wire after terminating to make sure of a
good connection. If the wire comes out of the termination repeat
the splice procedure.
DIP Switch Settings, Inches W.C.
DIP Switch Settings, Pascals
DIP Switch settings for optional, 1-1.0 inch W.C. model
DIP Switch settings for optional, 0-250 PA model