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Main Support no.: +370 5 2045030
Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319
Some IOs will have a "Debounce" setting instead of the "Average" setting. Debounce defines for how
long the device must receive a changed state of an IO, before it registers the changed state. For
example, the DIN state changed from 0 to 1 and Debounce is set to 5000ms, so the signal from the
DIN must remain constant for the period of 5000ms to actually change the state of the IO from 0 to 1.
If IOs were configured incorrectly, or the user simply decides to re-do the configuration, he can use the
“Clear all IO” button, which disables all the enabled IOs along with their configuration in the selected