5. Now that we know what COM port to use, visit fidelice.com and download the RNDAC Firmware Bootloader and the
latest RNDAC Firmware file. Depending on your computer configuration, you may also need to download the Java
Runtime Environment from www.java.com/en/download to run the RNDAC Bootloader.
6. Once Java runtime is installed, open the RNDAC Bootloader: UnifiedHost-0.1.14. A window will pop-up.
7. Click on the “Device Architecture” drop-down box and select
. Once 8-bit architecture is selected, the Bootload-
er window will refresh with more configuration options. You may need to resize the window at this point to see the
full configuration window.
8. Click on File > Open/Load File (*.hex). Navigate to the directory where you saved the image hex file and click OK.
Once the image hex file has been loaded, it will be indicated in the RNDAC bootloader under “Selected Hex File.”