Safety at a Glance
The following terms are used throughout the product literature to
indicate various levels of potential harm when operating this product:
1. Legend
2. Disclaimer and Warning
Hints & Tips
The Ruko F11MINI is NOT a toy and is NOT suitable for people under
age of 14
This product is NOT a toy and is NOT suitable for people under the
age of 14. Keep the aircraft out of the reach of children and exercise
caution when operating this aircraft in the presence of children.
This product is a flying camera that offers easy flight when in good
working order as set forth below. Read the materials associated with
the product before using for the first time. These documents are
included in the product package.
Inappropriate use of the product could result in personal injury or
property damage.
The information in this document affects your safety and your legal
rights and responsibilities.Read this entire document carefully to
ensure proper configuration before use. Fail to read and follow the
instructions and warnings in this document may result in product
loss, serious injury to you, or damage to your aircraft.
By using this product, you hereby signify that you have read this
disclaimer carefully and that you understand and agree to abide by
the terms and conditions herein. Please be sure to strictly abide by the
specification requirements and safety guidelines stated in this
Copyright ©2022 Ruko All Rights Reserved.