Rukket FAT BOY REBOUNDER Assembly Instructions Download Page 5

The Fat Boy Rebounder provides eight different rebounding options. 

Remove the cotter pins on the 

Pivot Joint

 to change the Rebounder between the flat-plane 

and the dual-plane configurations. Re-insert the cotter pins before using the Rebounder.

To adjust the Rebounder’s over-all angle, simply push both adjustment buttons on the 

Rear Telescoping 


and select the desired angle.


When adjusting the angle via the Rear Telescoping Supports, do not let go of the supports

until the buttons are re-engaged.

Please read our product safety warnings on page 2 before adjusting the rebounder.

Questions? Give us a call! (1-855)-478-5538

Page 5



Our video instructions provide the best guidance for setting up your rebounder. They can be viewed online at                                                             

/ RukketSports
