Hardware Installation and Reference Guide
Product Installation
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Check whether the power cord container is correctly installed. If you can remove the strap without pressing buckle
A, the strap may be installed incorrectly. Try the other side of the strap.
Attach the power cord container to the installation hole of the power module.
Plug the power cord into the connector. Pass the power cord through the strap and adjust the ring by pressing
buckle B until the power cord is fastened.
Figure 3-8 Installing Power Cord Retainer
Removing a Power Module
Press the plug of the power module, Hold on to the module handle with one hand to pull out part of the module,
hold the bottom of it with the other hand, and pull out the power module slowly.
Install a filler panel in the power module slot and put the removed power module into its package.
Figure 3-9 Removing a Power Module