RDC6445GT5 Laser cutting system hardware user manualV1.1
9.2 User parameters
(1)Cutting parameters (only affect the cutting mode)
Idle speed: this parameter determines the highest speed of all laser-off straight lines
during the motion of the machine.
Idle acceleration: the highest acceleration of the laser-off straight lines. Larger
setting of idle speed and idle acceleration can shorten the working time of the entire graph.
But setting too large may cause the trajectory to jitter. Comprehensive consideration is
required when setting.
Turning speed: the speed at sharp corners when cutting, which is also the lowest
speed in the whole cutting process.
Turning acceleration: the acceleration value at sharp corners when cutting. Large
setting of turning speed and turning acceleration may cause the turning to jitter. But setting
too small will affect the cutting speed.
Cutting acceleration: the highest acceleration value of laser-on segments during the
whole cutting process
Cutting mode: divided into fast cutting and precision cutting. Fast cutting gives
priority to cutting speed, while precision cutting gives priority to cutting effect.
Acceleration method: divided into T-shaped acceleration and S-shaped acceleration.
T-shaped acceleration will make the whole cutting process faster, but the cutting effect caused
by too fast T-shaped acceleration mode will be inferior to that of S-type acceleration.
Delay after idling: if this parameter is 0, no delay will be performed after idling,
otherwise the speed will be reduced and delayed after idling.
(2)Engraving parameters (only affect the scanning mode)
X axis starting speed
Y axis starting speed
X axis acceleration
Y axis acceleration
The above four parameters are used to set the starting speed and acceleration of the two
axes during scanning. The larger the starting speed and acceleration value, the faster the scan.
Scan line feed speed: this parameter is dedicated to controlling the highest speed of
vertical movement from the previous line to the next line in scanning mode. If the line-to-line
spacing is large during scanning, or the distance between each block is large when scanning
block graphics, and each line or each block needs to be accurately positioned, you can set the
scan line feed speed to a lower value.
Scan mode: general mode and special mode are optional. If enabled the special
mode, the laser power should be increased. The lower the light spot percentage, the more the
laser power attenuation, to achieve the same scan depth, the larger the laser power should be
set. The purpose of selecting the special mode is to make the laser source emits light in a
short time with high power. In depth scanning, the effect of flat bottom is obtained, but it
should be noted that if the light spot adjustment is not appropriate, this purpose may not