2. System Administration
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
Idle Timeout
Default: PT30M
Maximum idle time before terminating a WebUI session. If the session is waiting for notifications, or
has a pending confirmed commit, the idle timeout is not used. The default value is 0, which means
no timeout.
Figure 2.19. Idle-timeout field
Clicking on the Idle-timeout field on the WWW Interface Sessions form allows you to choose a value for
this field. The default value is PT30M, which stands for "Precision Time 30 Minutes". This refers to the
time when an inactive session expires or times out. Only integer values corresponding to the following
fields can be entered: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, or Ms. The example above shows the default
value of PT30M, which corresponds to the Min field.
2.4. User Accounts
Figure 2.20. Users menu
The Users menu is accessible from the main menu under admin. This menu is used to access
commands needed for creating and managing passwords for administrators, operators and guests.
Both private and public passwords can be created. The Admin Users ID Table (below) can be found
on the same screen as the Users menu. Clicking on admin, guest, oper, private or public will lead you
to the Users ID forms for each of these options.
Figure 2.21. Users table