Bass and treble
MENU > System > Audio > Bass
Adjust the bass and treble levels to best suit your
room and personal taste.
MENU > System > Audio > Loudness
Loudness automatically boosts the treble and bass
frequencies at lower volumes.
Display brightness
MENU > System > Display
Adjust the display brightness when the radio is on
and in standby.
In standby, press
to decrease display brightness,
to increase it.
Please note that t
he brightness also automatically
adjusts according to ambient light conditions.
Date and time
MENU > System > Clock
Select the time and date formats and whether the
clock is updated automatically from network, DAB,
FM, or set manually.
Please note that FM time and date synchronisation
may not be available on some stations in your region.
MENU > System > Language
Change the user interface language.
If you accidentally select the incorrect language you
can factory reset your radio by pressing and holding
the standby key for 10.
Auto standby
MENU > System > Auto standby
Change how long before your R2 automatically goes
into standby if there is no audio.
Factory reset
MENU > System > Reset system
Resets all settings and clears presets.
Network settings
MENU > System > Network settings
Access network settings including the network wizard
to help you connect to a new Wi-Fi network.
Please note that
MENU > System > Audio > Bass
means press
, select
, select
finally select