www.driair.com | www.rti-pbe.com
(800) 521-9200
RTi-QAT Quality Air Test Kit w/ Digital Hygrometer
Rev. 9/2017
1. Adjust pressure to the tester to 50 PSI.
2. Set tester to dew point (once on, push ON button twice).
3. Use phone app (Calculator of Air for iPhone, or Michell Instruments for Android) to convert dew point into paint
company standard (or 70°F) air temperature.
4. In phone app, enter 70°F for temperature on the tester and insert dew point number from the tester and hit the
equals (=) sign to obtain the compressed air humidity (CAH) number. If app is not available, use attached Wet
Bulb chart to find CAH.
5. Record humidity number and compare to paint company specifications.
Humidity needs to be below 10% for solvent and below 4% for water at 50 PSI.
The below list is a sample of readings and procedures that is used to find the CAH in your airlines using our QAT kit.
1. Plug in tester.
2. Set pressure at 50 PSI.
3. Run until stabilizes.
4. Measure dew point from tester: (41°F)
5. Go to app, input 70°F to comply with paint company
standards and enter the dew point and hit enter to
calculate humidity (write it down).
6. If phone app is not available, use attached Wet
Bulb chart to figure humidity at 70°F.
7. Enter humidity reading from app or Wet Bulb data
from chart to get actual humidity:
24.96% CAH in air lines.
Below is an example of the “Calculator of Air”
app available for iPhone
Below is an example of the “Michell Instruments”
app available for Android