Real Time Automation, Inc.
Solid Green (Connected):
The gateway is connected to all the MQTT devices that are configured and enabled
Flashing Green (Not Connected):
No MQTT devices are configured / enabled. Go to the MQTT Client Device Configuration to
configure a device
Flashing Red (Not Connected):
One or more of the MQTT brokers configured are missing (nodes missing)
One or more of the MQTT brokers configured do not have topics configured
The Dependency Protocol has faulted
Flashing Red (Communication not attempted yet):
No topics are configured and data needed for writes isn't valid yet
Solid Red (Invalid Configuration):
No devices are enabled
One or more of the MQTT devices have a conflicted IP address
No Power
No Ethernet cable connected
These are the values for all servers, or the specific server selected.
Network Bitmap Status (Displayed in Hex):
Each bit corresponds to a MQTT device. If the bit is set, the MQTT device is connected,
otherwise the bit is 0.
Bit 0 corresponds to MQTT device 1 and Bit 4 is for MQTT device 5 and so on.
Published Messages to MQTT:
Number of Write Topics which have been sent to the MQTT broker
Published Messages from MQTT:
Number of Read Topics which have been sent from the MQTT broker to the gateway
Subscribed Messages Actual:
Number of Successful Subscribed Topics
This should equal the Subscribed Messages Expected
Subscribed Messages Expected:
Number of Subscribed Topics that the gateway should have open