in ECR Mode:
To enter a discount in this menu, select the item in the transaction summary by tapping it
until it is highlighted blue and select the yellow DISCOUNT button below the ECR MODE in the
middle of the screen. See Discounts on page 22.
To add the exact same items as the
last entry, simply select the REPEAT
button located on the right side of the
screen. This will duplicate the last entry.
and Clearing Entries:
To clear any entries made by the number pad, select CLEAR. This will zero out the numbers,
but keep all entries already made in the transaction summary.
To restart the sale or to remove all previously entered items, select
the red VOID SALE button located on the top middle of the screen. This
will redisplay the main
screen seen directly
after log in.
Once all items are entered, select TENDER PAYMENT. Once this option is chosen the sale can
still be voided, discounted, or suspended. See more on payment options on page 17.
To load a prepaid card in this mode, enter the amount
the customer wishes to load on the number pad, then
select the LOAD CARD button on the top right of the
screen. Then select the payment option applicable and
process payment as normal.
Select BACK if to cancel the load.