at the bottom of the main station, then insert the input of the adapter into the socket with 230V alter-
nating current, then the backlight will lighten all the time, please take the below picture as reference.
ch•scr•srch button function
•If the weather station didn’t search remote sensor mode, press and hold “ch•scr•srch” button for
3 seconds, it can enter into the searching mode, then after 2 minutes, it will exit the searching mode.
•When the remote sensor is the searching mode, press “ch•scr•srch” button for 3 seconds, it can
clear all the data of the channel, and receiving the new data of the remote sensor.
•If the main station had registered more than two channels, press “ch•scr•srch” button can choose
different display channel or enter into auto scroll mode, The sequence is shown as follow
•There are three round arcs at the right downside of channel number for indicating the signal inten-
sion of remote sensor. When it has three round arcs, it shows to be in strongest signal; when it has
two round arcs, it shows to be in common signal; when it has only one, it shows the quite weaker sig-
outdoor thermo sensor unit registration procedure:
•The weather station automatically starts receiving transmission from remote Sensor for outdoor
temperature and humidity after new batteries are inserted.
•The sensor will automatically transmit temperature and humidity data to the weather station after
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