sensors which is placed in 5 different places and within 100 meter (open area) distance from the main
Weather girl
Weather forecasting with 15 easy-to-read weather forecast signs featured by weather girl
Barometric pressure window
Displays the barometric pressure reading in hpa/mB, inHg or mmHg. And check the recorded air
pressure reading in the past 24 hours.
Zodiac signs
The zodiac signs will be active accordance with their period.
Tide indicator
Moon phase
8 moon phases display throughout the year.
DCF-77 + 2Hr radio controlled time with manual setting option
Day of week language : English
Number of week, display of the gone days and the rest days in a year
Zodiac sign display, the zodiac sign will be active accordance with their period
“DST” indicator
12/24HR time measuring choice
Temperature display in degrees Celsius (
C) or Fahrenheit (
F) selectable
Weather forecasting icon sensitivity setting, there are 4 levels of setting: level 1is the most sen
sitive setting, level 4 is the least sensitive setting, default setting is “1”
Barometric pressure reading in hpa/mB, mmHg and inHg
“a”and“b”double backlight mode:
“a”------backlight color change according to forecast weather conditions, Sunny in orange,
Slightly Cloudy and Cloudy in purple, Rainy and snow in blue
“b”------user can choose manually which color wishful for all LCD digital backlight, orange,
purple or blue
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