Hotwire Anemometer / English
Hotwire Anemometer / English
6.Measuring Procedure
1. Connect the “Probe’s Plug” to the “Probe Input Socket”.
2. Power on the meter by push the “Power On/Off Button”.
3. Select the desire air velocity units and temperature units.
4. Zero setting:
a. On the “Sensing Head”, slide the sensor cover to the up position to let the air 4. Velocity sensor
isolated from the environment.
b. Push the “Zero Button” to let reading value of air velocity shows zero value.
“Sensor cover” slide to the up position
Probe Handle
Fig 1
5. Slide the sensor cover to the down position, let the air velocity sensor to contact the air, refer Fig.2.
Extent the telescope probe to the convenient length, refer Fig.4.
Air velocity sensor
6. Direction of the sensor head:
There is mark on the top of the “Sensor Head”, When make the measurement, then this mark should
against the measured wind, refer Fig. 4, Fig5.When sensor head face against the measurement air, then
sensor head face against the measurement air, then the upper display will show the air velocity value. The
lower display will show the temperature value.
Air velocity sensor
Sensor head (top view)
Direction mark should face the
measured wind.
Probe Handle
Performing a multi-point mean calculation
• Press “
Mean is lit. The number of readings recorded is displayed in the upper line, while the current reading is
displayed in the lower line.
• To change between displaying the temperature, flow velocity and calculated Volumetric flow rate: Press
• If we want to change the units of the current reading, press “
• To include readings (in the desired quantity): Press “
“ (several times).
• To end measurement and calculate the mean value:Press “
• Mean flashes. The calculated spot mean value is displayed.
• To return to measurement view: Press “