RNS-3200 GPS Receiver
Chapter 4 Synchronizing with PC
Chapter 4 Snychronization with a PC
Creating and moving Contact information between the
RNS-3200 and your PC
Using the SD/MMC slot
The RNS-3200 has an SD/MMC slot compatible with a range of SD and MMC
storage cards that you can use to back up or transfer files and data.
Along with photos, music and videos, the GPS navigation system program is
also stored on the storage card. To install and use maps, the program requires
that users load the digital maps available in the GPS Navigation SD card that
supports the device.
To insert a storage card:
Hold the device securely, then push the card into the slot until you hear an audi-
ble system sound; this will signal that the card is already properly seated within
the slot. The card is secure when it is not protruding from the slot.
To remove a storage card:
1. Hold the device securely, then push against the top of the card, as if you
were pushing it further into the slot, letting the card spring out. An audible
system sound will signal that the card has been released.
2. Gently remove the card from the slot.
Establishing device-PC connection
The USB cable that comes with your device enables you to connect the device
to your computer. File Explorer displays the RNS-3200 as a USB mass storage
device, with the SD/MMC card shown as a sub-folder. Once connected, you
• Use File Explorer to copy digital music and image files into your
device’s SD/MMC card and access them when in Multimedia mode.
It is advisable to organize files into subfolders. These subfolders will become
playlists and help you to mange and better access the files on your device.
To enable access of multimedia files from your device, it should be located on
the SD/MMC card, not on the device’s memory.