If installing the ROYALL furnace in Parallel with the
existing furnace (see page 14), construct and install the
fi lter box as follows:
1) Mount the Crculation Blower on the rear of the appliance
using 4-1/4” x 3/4” screws.
2) Assemble and mount the Filter Box over the Circulation
Blower using the 1/4” x 3/4” screws already in place.
A) The side panel with the 12” hole can be installed on
either side of the fi lter box for convenient installation
of the cold air return duct. For better air fl ow, it is
recommended that this panel be installed opposite of
the motor of the circulation blower.
B) Attach the bottom panel to the two side panels and
tap until the panels lock fi rmly in place.
C) Attach the top panel to the side panel opposite of the
cold air return duct opening.
D) Attach the back panel with sheet metal screws
E) Attach the fi lter channel to the side panel with the
cold air return opening
F) Insert the fi lter.
3) Mount the fan control center on the side of the fi lter box
Filter Box
Top Panel
Back Panel
Side Panel
with Cold Air
Return Hole
6 Screw Holes
This Side Faces
1” Slot for
Filter Box
Cirulation Blower