Metal Protector A
chemical that will prevent iron or metal stains. This chemical is added to the spa
water when the spa is filled for the first time or when refilled. (Recommended for
weekly use.)
pH/Alkalinity Down L
owers the pH of the spa water (active ingredients, sodium Bisulfate 100%).
pH/Alkalinity Up R
aises pH, (active ingredient sodium carbonate)& Raises total alkalinity of spa water-
initial component of water balance prevents pH bounce and deterioration of spa
surfaces, fittings from alkalinity.
Stain & Scale
tain and scale preventative and clarification eliminates water discoloration caused by
mineral and scale deposits in spa water. Also helps filter remove suspended particles
that cause cloudiness.
Shock Out
xidizes contaminants such as ammonia, perspiration and suntan lotion. Increases
the clarity of the water and reduces eye burn. When used with chlorine, it will remove
chloramines, which cause “chlorine odor” and enhance the sanitizing effectiveness .
Brom-Tabs D
isinfects spa water keeping it clean, clear and free of odor.
Granulated Chlorine A
concentrated compound prepared to destroy and control the growth of bacteria and
algae in spas. Aids in spa water clarity.
Scum Out A
n environmentally friendly water cleaner. Natures own enzymes help eradicate
grease, oil and scum build up caused by body oils, suntan oils, and other
contaminants. This chemical will not affect water balance.
Foam Gone A
n effective anti-foam agent and preventative specifically prepared for use in spas. It
safely eliminates foaming from water due to high aeration and soap/detergents.
Spa-Brite S
pecially formulated preparation that resolves clarity and refreshes murky water. It
increases the efficiency of spa filters by trapping microscopic particles suspended in
cloudy water.
Spray & Rinse R
emoves minerals and other debris from filter elements. Extends filter life.
In Spa ration B
lend of fragrance formulated especially for spas. Leaves your skin soft and
moisturized has no alcohol and is water-soluble.
Go Brom D
evelops a bromine reserve in spa water. It is used to prevent the formation of
unwanted compounds when using Bromine Tabs—use on each fill of your spa.
Magic Lube S
ilicone based lubricant and sealer formulated for use under the most adverse
conditions including salt water. Extremely durable, non-hardening and non-
carbonizing used on most metals, rubbers, and plastic water proof and chemical