background image

Panel frame


Back panel

Side panel

4. Securing the walls to the floor

Ensure the panels are sitting square on the floor. Secure using 14 x 65mm nails, nail through the panel frames and floor into the floor joists. 


Floor joists




5. Roof sections

To the first roof panel secure a roof rafter flush to the right-hand edge of the panel, ensure the correct angled end of the rafter is flush to the short edge of the panel as
shown below. Attach using 4 x 30mm nails, nail through the panel into the rafter. To the second panel attach two rafters in the same way as the first with 1 down each
side of the panel. To the third panel attach a rafter down the Left-hand edge. Join the three panels together using 2 x 50mm screws per join, Screw through the the rafter
of 1 panel into the rafter of the next as shown. Create a second roof section in the same way as the first

Ensure rafters
are flush to
the edge of
the panel.

Ensure rafters
are flush to
the edge of
the panel.

Panel 1

Panel 2

Panel 3

Ensure correct
orientation of
angled ends.








Front edge

Left-hand roof section

Right-hand roof section


6. Roof sections

Secure to lower edge of both roof sections two felt battens using 5 x 30mm nails per batten as shown. Ensure the felt batten are flush to the edges of the panels. Flush
to the front edges of each section attach the roof batten blocks evenly spaced along the edge using 2 x 30mm nails per block. Position the roof panels onto the building,
make sure the top edges are located at the apex and the roof is flush with the back apex. Secure with 8 x 38mm screws per roof section, screw through the roof and into
the panel framing.From inside the building fix a gusset to both sides of the two rafters using 2 x 30mm nails per gusset.

7. Roofing felt

Cut the 5m roofing felt roll into two equal lengths. Place one length over one roof section. At the front and along the lower edge of the roof leave an overhang of felt of
at least 45mm. Fold down the felt along the lower edge and secure to the felt batten using 22 x10mm felt nails evenly spaced. Tension the felt over the roof and secure
along the upper edge using 4 x 10mm felt nails. Repeat this for the second piece of felt on the other half of the roof. Once the two pieces of felt are in place take the
2.5m ridge felt roll and place over the apex of the roof making sure it sits centrally over the roof ridge and overlaps the other two felt pieces, attach using 22 x 10mm
felt nails evenly spaced, along each lower edge of the third felt. Dress down the ends of all felt pieces and attach to the Batten blocks at the front with 6 x 10mm felt nails.
At the back secure to the apex panel using 6 x 10mm felt nails. when all the felt is in position trim of any excess.




Felt lower edge
Leave at least 45mm of
felt overhanging, to fold
down and cover the
felt batten.







Felt upper edge

Felt upper edge
