LOOPER status indicators LED need to work with
left footswitch.
2) In recording state: LOOPER indicator LED is red.
3) In playing state: LOOPER indicator LED is green.
4) In overdub state: LOOPER indicator LED is red.
5) In stop state: if there is recorded data, LOOPER status indicator LED is flashing green, if no
recorded data, LOOPER status indicator LED goes off.
6) While Undo, Redo operation, LOOPER status indicator LED will be green and flashing
twice indicate operation completed.
7) In the end of the playing, LOOPER status indicator LED will be green and flashing once
indicate play to the end and restart the next play.
Right input jack
1/4” Right input jack, connect guitar.
Right output jack
1/4” Right output jack, connect amplifier.
Left input jack
1/4” Left input jack, connect guitar.
Left output jack
1/4” Left output jack, connect amplifier
Mode selection switch: FX/STOP
1) Mode selection switch need to work with
right footswitch.
2) When the mode selection switch select STOP mode, the right footswitch is used to stop
recording and playing ,or clear recording data; when the mode selection switch select FX mode,
right footswitch is used to turn on or off effect. More details please refer to part 1.
Mode selection switch
1) When the mode selection switch did not select CHANGE mode, the left output channel
sound com from the left play channel, the right output channel sound com from the right play
channel.,See picture 1.
When the mode selection switch select CHANGE mode, the left output channel sound
com from the right play channel, the right output channel sound com form the left play channel.
See picture 2.