rn-131-um.pdf 5/14/2009
Phone 408-395-6539
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TIME Server Parameters
set time address <addr>
sets the time server address.
set time port <num>
sets the time server port number.
set time enable <value>
Enable or disable time server. 1= get time once on powerup.
Or, get time continuously every <value> minutes.
UART Parameters
set uart parity <n,e,o>
sets the UART parity.
Example :
“set u p e”
sets even parity
set uart baud <rate>
set the UART baud rate. Valid settings are {1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600}.
Example : “set u b 9600” sets the baud rate to 9600 baud.
set uart raw <rate>
sets a RAW UART value. Used to set non-standard rates.
Example : “set u r 760” sets the baud rate to 7200 baud.
set uart flow <0,1>
sets the flow control mode. 0=off, 1= hardware RTS/CTS.
set uart tx <0, 1>
Disables or enables the TX pin= PIO0 of the UART. Disable will
set PIO0 to an INPUT with weak pulldown.
WLAN Parameters
set wlan antenna <0, 1>
determines which antenna is active, use 0 for chip antenna, 1 for
UF.L connector.
set wlan channel <value>
sets the wlan channel, 1-13 is the valid range for a fixed channel.
If 0 is set, then scan is performed, using the ssid, for all the
channels set in the channel mask.
set wlan key <num> <value>
sets the WEP key. key must be EXACTLY 13 bytes (26 ASCII
chars). Data is expected in HEX format, “0x” should NOT be used
Example : “set w k 112233445566778899AABBCCDD”
Hex digits > 9 can be either upper or lower case.
set wlan mask <value>
sets the wlan channel mask, bit-mapped value. Bit 0 = ch 1.
set wlan num <value>
sets the default WEP key to use. 1-4 is the valid range.
Example : “set w n 2” sets the default key to 2.