20 Kiji Dava Circle Prescott, Arizona 86301
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Please check to make sure your inventory is complete.
1.) Unpack shipping carton and inspect quantity of components; component quantities are listed
above in the inventory.
2.) Stand 3-panel assembly up on floor; orient assembly with clips attached along its edge to the
left as shown in
Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
3.) Unfold panel assembly and position it to form a 90°angle as shown in
Photo 2
4.) Stand 2-panel assembly up on the floor, also in the form of a 90°, and orient it so the panel
without clips attached to its edge is positioned next to clips attached to 3-panel assembly.
photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
5.) Clip the two panel assemblies together and position the 3 clips equidistant from each other
along the length of the panel frames. The connected panels should now be resting in a C-
shape as shown in
Photo 4
6.) Place the floor, pipe side up, into the bottom of the enclosure.
7.) Connect the floor to the side panels with one #250 clip installed at the center of each panel
around the perimeter. See the
Photo 5
on the previous page.
8.) Install (16) #FDC clips onto the crossbar of the standing panels (two per panel, between the
and 2
bars from the edges). #FDC clips are engaged from the bottom of the crossbar
and then rotated down into position as shown in
Photo 6
on the previous page.
9.) Install the short #14D Dividers in between the (3) #DD30 Door Panels and the (3) #130
Panels directly behind the #DD30 Door Panels. The Divider is designed to rest over the
#F26W-6 Floor frame and slide in between the panel frames.
Orient 3-panel
assembly so
that the clips
along its edge
are on the left
as shown
Attach a #250
clip at the
center of each
panel as
shown here.
the floor
panels to
the door
panels with
two #250
clips under
each door
as shown