1. Forward/Backward Adjustment
4. Head Restraint Adjustment *
Lift the lever to slide the seat forward or back. Depress button to raise or lower.
Lower the lever and check the seat is locked in Adjust the angle of the restraint to ensure
position before driving. It is level with the head.
2. Backrest Angle Adjustment
5. Height Adjustment (Driver's Seat)
Ease your body weight from the backrest and Rotate the handle, anti-clockwise or
rotate the handwheel to adjust the backrest to clockwise, to raise or lower the seat height.
the required angle.
3. Lumbar Support Adjustment
Never adjust the seats while the car is in
Rotate handwheel to increase support to the
motion, or allow a front seat passenger to
lumbar region of your back.
Travel with the seat steeply reclined.
Lift the lever to fold the front seat backrest
forward. Ensure the backrest is securely
locked when returned to the normal
Head restraints are fitted for safety and should
always be adjusted to support the back of the head
and NOT the neck. Properly adjusted head
restraints can considerably reduce the risk of neck
or head injuries. For this reason you should never
carry passengers in seats where the head restraints
have been removed.
To remove a head restraint in order to fully recline
a seat, depress the release button and fully
withdraw the unit from the seat.
The rear seats can be folded forwards in order to
increase the luggage area (see 'Load Carrying).