Display Cabinet vertiCal
P/N 1011068 Rev. D 08/10
all glass surfaces must be cool before cleaning.
Once cool, wipe glass with a clean cloth. Do nOt
attempt to clean glass when hot or with a cold
towel as shattering glass may occur.
the unit requires a minimum amount of maintenance.
to ensure proper operation, clean the unit at the end of
each serving day.
1. turn off the power, unplug the power cord, and
allow the unit to cool to room temperature.
2. Remove all components from the unit.
3. Wash all components in soap and water. Wipe all
surfaces of the unit with a damp cloth.
nOte: Do nOt use a dripping wet cloth. wring the
cloth out before use.
4. Wash and dry all surfaces of the unit.
5. install components in unit.
figure 4. replace Halogen bulb
rear DOOr replacement
1. turn the power off, unplug the power cord, and
allow the unit to cool to room temperature.
2. Lift the outer door and pull the bottom edge out.
Repeat with inner door.
3. carefully place new inner door in guide, followed
by the outer door.
Use 100 watt (max.) quartz tungsten halogen lamp
(t3 bulb/‘rsc’ base/118 mm) only. to reduce the
risk of electric shock when replacing bulbs, turn
the power off before replacing light bulbs.
parts replacement
HalOGen QUartz bUlb replacement
1. turn the power off, unplug the power cord, and
allow the unit to cool.
2. Open the rear door(s) of the unit.
3. Remove the four hex slotted screws holding the
Wire Light guard in place. then remove the Wire
Light guard.
4. gently, but firmly, press the lamp sideways
and remove the Halogen bulb from the Quartz
Lampholders (figure 4).
5. use a soft cloth to install the new 100 watt
Halogen bulb while pressing the lamp sideways.
6. Re-install the Wire Light guard. Make sure the
Halogen bulb and Wire Light guard are fully seat-
ed before releasing the lamp.
Wire Light
Halogen bulb