Rivet Spinner
Step1.To remove worn or damaged spinner/anvil, unscrew take-up handle until spinner anvil can be
removed easily.( Illus B)
Replace with new or correct anvil and take-up handle.
NOTE: Unit is supplied with two spinner anvil marked”A” ”B” and two take-up handles to match
spinner anvils.
Step1.Lay chain across plastic chain supports. (Illus C)
Step2.Rotate chain supports so that the rivet head is centered between the take-up handle pocket
and spinner anvil. (Illus C)
Step3.Turn take-up handle until chain is secured against spinner anvil. (Illus D)
Step4.Turn spinner crank a few times to center the rivet hub in the spinner anvil. (Illus E)
Step5.Apply a few drops of oil to rivet hub. (Illus F)
Step6.Turn spinner crank
and at the same time, slowly turn take- up handle inward (approximately
one full revolution) until rivet head is formed. Take-up handle provides pressure while spinner anvil
forms rivet head. (Illus G)