Preventive maintenance
performed by unauthorized
per so n nel may result in misplacing of
internal wires and components which
could cause serious hazard.
We recommend
that all tool service be performed by a Bosch
or Rotozip Factory Service Center or
Authorized Bosch Service Station. Call 1-877-
ROTOZIP (1-877-768-6947) if your tool needs
Your Rotozip tool has been properly lubricated
and is ready to use. The lubrication applied at
the factory lasts for the life of the tool.
The brushes and commutator in your tool have
been engineered for many hours of
dependable service. To maintain peak
efficiency of the motor, we recommend every
two to six months the brush es be examined.
Only genuine Rotozip replace ment brushes
specially designed for your tool should be
Your Rotozip tool and attachments contain
sealed bearings designed to last the life of the
tool. Bearings which become noisy (due to
heavy load or very abrasive material cutting)
should be inspected at once to avoid
overheating or motor failure. Contact your local
Bosch or Rotozip Factory Service Center if
your bearings become noisy.
To avoid accidents always
dis connect the tool from
the power supply before cleaning or
performing any main tenance.
The tool may
be cleaned most effectively with compressed
dry air.
Always wear safety gog gles when
cleaning tools with compressed air.
Ventilation openings and switch levers must be
kept clean and free of foreign matter. Do not
at tempt to clean by inserting pointed objects
through openings.
Certain cleaning agents and
sol vents damage plastic
Some of these are: gasoline, carbon
tetrachlo ride, chlo rinated cleaning solvents,
ammonia and house hold detergents that
contain ammonia.
1. Make sure material being cut is secured in
a vise or fixture before attempting to cut.
2. Keep your body positioned to either side of
the wheel, but not in line with wheel. It is
important to support the tool properly and to
position your body such as to minimize body
exposure from possible wheel binding and
3. Grip the tool with both hands when cutting
and always be ready and able to manage the
4. Avoid jamming, twisting or pinching the
wheel with the workpiece or otherwise
applying excessive side pressure to the wheel.
5. Keep guard covering between wheel and
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