UDA-8705A User Manual (Iss. 02)
Menus • 4–3
DashBoard Menus for the UDA-8705A
The DashBoard Control System™ enables you to monitor and control openGear frames and cards
from a computer. DashBoard communicates with other cards in the DFR-8300 series frame
through the MFC-8300 Series Network Controller Card.
This section briefly summarizes the menus, items, and parameters available from the DashBoard
Control System™ for the UDA-8705A. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are the factory
default values.
Status Tabs
tabs provide read-only information such as software revision issue, signal status, and
power consumption of the UDA-8705A.
Signal Tab
Table 4.1
summarizes the read-only information, such as signal status, and input status, displayed
of the
tab.The fields in the
tab vary in severity from green (valid) to red (alarm).
DashBoard reports the most severe alarm for a single field. Alarm colors are noted within
Table 4.1
as text set in brackets next to the menu parameter name.
Table 4.1 Signal Tab Items
Tab Title
Signal Status
Video Present (Green)
Indicates the card is passing valid analog
AES/Other (Green)
Indicates the card is passing AES audio or
other analog signals
No Input (Green)
Indicates one of the following has
• No input signal is detected
• Signal is below the detection threshold
• The Notify on Loss of Input alarm is
No Input (Red)
Indicates one of the following has
• No input signal is present
• Signal is below 0.5Vp-p
• The Notify on Loss of Input alarm is
Signal Format
Indicates the valid video format detected
Unknown Video
Indicates a video signal is present, but the
format is not supported
No Signal
Indicates the video signal is absent
Indicates an audio, or other analog, signal
is detected