Vista Remote 2 Installation and Operations Manual
change the Scan Time to another interval press and release the left <Ctrl> key, type “T” then
enter the new scan time interval (1-16 seconds), and press <Enter>.
To “Reset” the mouse and keyboard, press and release the left <Ctrl> key, then type “R”. This
command is used to reset the mouse and keyboard on the currently selected Vista Remote 2
port without removing power from the Vista Remote 2 switch. This is most useful to reset a
PS/2 mouse that has been unplugged and plugged back in. Upon issuing this command, all
keyboard LEDs will go on and then return to their previous state.
Reset computer mouse type (NT and WIN 2K systems only)
issue this command on non-NT or Win 2K based computers.
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, then type “O”. This command sends a reset mouse
command to the currently selected NT or Win 2K computer. The command is used to recover a
stuck mouse on an NT or Win 2K system.
Send null byte
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, then type “N”. This command is used to re-synchronize
an out-of-sync PS/2 mouse. The command may need to be entered once or twice, depending if
the mouse is out-of-sync by one or two bytes.
Identify ROM version
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, then type “I”. This command is used to identify the
revision level of the Vista Remote 2 firmware currently installed. Before entering this command,
the selected CPU must be at a command prompt, word processor, or text editor, so when the
Vista Remote 2 switch sends the ROM revision level the result can be displayed.
Keep command
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, then type “K”. The Keep command saves all settings.
Mode command
The Vista Remote 2 switch supports keyboard modes 1, 2 and 3 and mouse modes 7,8, and 9.
To issue the “Mode” command, press and release the left <Ctrl> key, type “M”, then enter the
mode number (1,2,3,7,8,9) followed by <Enter>.
Mode 1 - CPU Keyboard = PC Mode 1 (Some IBM’s & PS/1’s)
Mode 2 - CPU Keyboard = PC Mode 2 (Most PCs)
Mode 3 - CPU Keyboard = Most (RISC) Unix Workstations & Rose Translator
Mode 7 - CPU Mouse = 2 Button Serial (Microsoft) (7 Bt)
Mode 8 - CPU Mouse = 2 Button Serial (Not Used) (8 Bt)
Mode 9 - CPU Mouse = 3 Button Serial (Mouse Systems)
Maximum computers
Press and release the left <Ctrl> key, type “P”, enter the total number of computers, and press
<Enter>. This command limits the number of computers to scan. For example on an eight-port
unit, if no computers were connected to ports 7 and 8, setting maximum computers to 6 would
bypass scanning computers 7 and 8.
Typematic command
Initial factory setting = 43. Rate = 10.9 chars/sec, Delay = 500 millisec. See Attachment H for
typematic value calculations.
Mouse type
To issue the “Mouse type” command press and release the left <Ctrl> key, type “Q”, enter
mouse type (0,1,2), and press <Enter>.
Mouse type 0 = PS/2 mouse
Mouse type 1 = Serial mouse
Mouse type 2 = Wheel mouse