The AnoScreen™ is a registered trademark of Rose Displays, Ltd. Neither
the manufacturer nor any sales agent may be held liable for injury, loss or
damage resulting from the use of these products.
Part #02INAnoScreenVario.
35 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970
Tel# 1-800-631-9707 Fax# 1-800-560-2890
e-mail:[email protected]
Instruction Sheet (side 2)
Instructions For Assembly Continued
Step 4
Assemble the vertical rail assemblies onto
the upward facing corner brackets already
inserted into the bottom rails. All 4
brackets can go into the vertical rails at
one time, or you cando one side at a
: Make sure grommets are on the
top end of the vertical panels. Use the
two vertical rails without flex spine
connectors on the outside edges of the
outermost panels.
Step 5
Insert corner brackets into ends of split
rails, using thumb, as shown in illustra-
tion. 1bracket per end of each split rail.
Step 6
Assemble split rails onto top ends of
vertical rails, one inside and one
outside of each panel of the
Step 7
Insert and change signs through top
of each panel.
Vario Base
Corner brackets
& Split Rails