Squirrel Cage Fan
Ducting Hose
Hose Adaptor
Fog Machine
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Running Dry
Do not allow the machine to run dry of fluid. If the machine does run out of fluid it will stop producing fog
and the green Ready Indicator light will indicate a Fluid Out condition with a fast double-flash. In order to
reset the Fluid Out condition, power cycle the machine by turning the Main Power Switch off, wait 5 sec-
onds, and then turn the Main Power Switch back on. After inserting the tube in a new bottle of fog fluid,
you will need to prime the machine to remove airlocks in the fluid pipework of the machine.
Priming the System
To prime the machine, turn the Fog Level Knob to Zero, then hold down the Fog Button and turn the
knob to maximum. Keep the button held until the fog output is strong and steady. Then turn the Fog
Level knob back to the required output level and release the Fog Button. Note: Priming cannot be done
via DMX control – the Remote Control Panel must be used.
Powering Down
After use, allow the machine to sit for several minutes before switching the Main Power Switch to off.
Turning off the power switch during fog production can cause damage to the heat exchanger. Allow
machine to cool completely before packing or storing. Note: The nozzle of the machine may remain hot
for up to 10 hours after power is shut off.
If the machine will be unused for an extended period of time, follow the Storage and Shipment instruc-
tions listed under Maintenance to prepare the machine for long-term storage.
It is often desirable to duct fog from the machine to another location on stage or in a set. This can be
accomplished using flexible hose (“dryer hose”) or similar large diameter ducting such as 4in (100mm)
PVC. Avoid sharp bends in the duct, which can create turbulence or back flow.
The duct should be positioned no closer than 2in (50mm) to the nozzle. An open airflow between the
nozzle and opening of the duct is crucial to allow for aerosolization and create proper airflow. Placing
ductwork or tubing directly over the nozzle or nozzle guard will cause damage to the machine and will
void the warranty. Take all precautions to avoid fire hazards as the nozzle is extremely hot.
In some instances, it is desirable to use a fan to accelerate the fog through the ductwork. Never run fog
through the blades of a fan as the action of the impeller will cause condensation of fluid particles. To
properly use a fan, create a vent in the ducting system such as a “branched wye” and introduce a fan at
the vent point. This will create a low pressure point that “pulls or pushes” the fog through the ductwork.
Contact Rosco or your local Rosco dealer for more advice on ducting fog.