14. Heat Dissipation 15. Other Functions 16. Consumption Current
Heat Dissipation
Please dissipate heat generated by driver and motor enough.
If it is insufficient, temperature rise causes malfunction, failure or fire.
Keep the motor’s maximum case temperature below 100
and driver’s below 60
by adjusting
the drive current or by installing a cooling fin, fan, etc.
Other Functions
15-1 Auto. current down
This works after about 0.3 seconds of inactivity. Setting stop current lower to run current will
prevent heat generation. However, if stop current is high, position gap will decreases. (See fig. 4)
15-2 Over heating protection circuit
This works when the internal temperature of the driver reaches about 70
. It turns ALARM output
ON and ALARM LED will be turned ON. Furthermore, if the temperature keeps on rising, it stops
motor compulsively and works auto. current down. If the body temperature drops about 10
below the triggered temperature, the driver will restore automatically.
15-3 Over current protection circuit
This works when abnormal current inside the driver occurred by mis-wiring or short-circuiting etc.
has been detected.
15-4 Low voltage protection circuit
The driver has a built-in low voltage protection circuit to prevent current overload. The low supply
voltage condition normally occurs when power is turned ON.
Consumption Current
The current consumed by driver and motor varies, depending on the supply voltage, pulse (clock)
frequency, motor’s inductance, rated current and holding torque. Also, the ripple according to the
cycle of PWM (50kHz) and RPM is added into the consumption current. Please use the power
supply which current is more than 1.2 times the rated current of the motor as a standard.
If other devices share the same power supply and voltage change can’t be allowed, then use the
power supply which can flow 1.7 times of the max value of the supply current, or incorporate a large
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