g. Set lower left hand blade so that the notched front edge of the lower left hand blade just
touches the front corner of the lower right hand blade. Set for normal clearance of .002”
between upper and lower blades and at the beveled surface of the notch. Tighten lower left
hand blade screws securely.
h. Check clearances at all points before operating.
6. Depth of Cut can be limited by adjusting stop screw (20) and check nut.
7. Safety Brake is adjusted through screw (9) and check nut, to prevent deadweight fall of handle
and slide.
Check this adjustment frequently for safe operation.
8. Squaring or cutoff shearing stock of any length to 6 inches in width can be done by opening
9. Throat - To open throat, back off frame bolt (3) and hold in “up” position with thumbscrew (4)
(to prevent its being lost).
Open throat position used only for slitting, squaring and cutoff shearing.
10. Slitting - Up to 6 inch wide strips can be slit from any width sheet. With upper blades
mounted for “splay” cutting, remove left hand upper blade (17) and open throat.
11. Frequent lubrication of slide ways and cam pivots will insure continued smooth operation.
12. Adjustment of Slide - may become necessary to compensate for wear. Back off four slide
adjusting screws (15) and adjust slide cap screws (14) to “tight” fit. Then reset slide adjusting
screw (15) to obtain sliding fit. Oil ways.
13. Gage Setting - can be accomplished by using combination square. Table edges machined at
45 degrees to cutting edges.
14. Check clearances between upper and lower blades occasionally to see that normal .002
clearance is maintained!
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