Rev 03/2022
V1.0 - Page
Subject to modifications!
romutec Steuer.-und Regelsysteme GmbH Jochsberger Straße 39 D-91592 Buch am Wald
Subject to technical changes
3 System description
The romutec® RCG32 Bridge is an TCP Interface with two UARTs (RS485 Interfaces) which converts
the Modbus TCP telegrams to native RTU telegrams and vice versa.
Therefore, the TCP side is a slave device which is connected via WIFI or Ethernet to an Modbus
master device.
On serial side, the bridge is connected to a Modbus RTU network and works as master device.
The communication speed (baud rate) and also the serial config are set up in web interface.
The two serial interfaces can be set up via webserver with different settings depending baud rate,
format and parity. These two serial interfaces are named with serial 1 and serial 2. The serial 1
interface is an isolated RS485 transceiver with the terminals serial 1 A, serial 1 B and ISO GND. The
serial 2 interface is a non isolated RS485 transceiver with terminals serial 2 A and serial 2 B. Ground
potential of serial 2 is ground oft he supply voltage. End of line termination can be set for each serial
interface in the control panel via the webserver.