During transport and storage, pay at-
tention to the connections and the
tube. Do not subject it to jolts, squeeze
it or expose it to sharp objects.
Protect the compensation reservoir
against damage.
Protect the device
from overturning or impacts.
Protect the membrane from corrosive,
harsh, or sharp materials.
Make sure that the device is in proper
operating condition before use.
Protect the membrane from heat and
extreme cold!
The compensation reser-
voir must always be properly fixed to the
cylinder before starting the device.
Please contact the sales center or ma-
nufacturer in cases of damage or repairs.
If you have any questions about the Symphonie Aqua system, feel free to call us
at +49 (0) 80 35 - 96 78 78 96 or send us an e-mail at [email protected].
When performing clamping, the holes
of the rings must be congruent. Also
ensure that the drilling depressions of
the top ring are on the top side. Now
the nine mounting screws can be inser-
ted into the holes. Insert the washers
and tighten all the cap nuts (Fig. 32).
For optimum pressure distribution, first
tighten all the screws manually; subse-
quently, tighten them, alternating in a
star shape, with 5 Nm of torque. Use
a torque wrench as well as a 10 mm
open-ended or ring wrench for this.
Again, do not use a bolt locking device
6. The new silicone membrane is now
ready for use. Fill the cylinder again
with water so that it is free of air and
check the tightness of the system be-
fore the next use. Please observethe
operating instructions.
We recommend replacing the membra-
ne every 12 months!
Clean the membrane after each use.
Observe the cleaning instructions!
When cleaning the membrane, do not
use detergents! Clean only with water
and a soft cloth. Do not expose the
system to extreme temperatures.
Do not use a high-pressure cleaner.
Do not perform any modifications to
the device. Likewise, do not use it for
purposes other than those approved.
The safety and application can be si-
gnificantly affected by improper use,
leading to damage to the device and
Romedis GmbH cannot be made liab-
le to any injury to people or damage to
property caused by improper use.
The device is approved solely for or-
thopedic use, specifically for making
a plaster cast of the lower extremity
after a transtibial amputation.
Fig. 32