1. Using an allen key remove the allen bolts and spacers from the back plates on both 45˚ degree brackets, fit the 45˚
degree brackets to the angled panel & front panel in order as shown above.
Once the 45˚ degree brackets have been assembled onto the angled panel & front panel the allen bolts must be
tightened to 10Nm using a torque wrench.
Ensure the allen bolts face in towards the showering area.
2. Ensure the front panel lines up correctly with the angled panel as shown above, failure to do so will cause sealing
problems in Step 5.
3. Using the same procedure in line 1, fit the 90˚ brackets to the front panel and the return panel in order as shown above
Once the 90˚ degree brackets have been assembled onto the front panel & return panel the allen bolts must be
tightened to 10Nm using a torque wrench.
Ensure the allen bolts face in towards the showering area.
4. Ensure the return panel lines up correctly with the front panel as shown above, failure to so will cause sealing issues in
Step 5.
Step 4 - Fitting the Front Panel and Return Panel
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