Rolodex RF-2034 User Manual Download Page 4


Each phone record can contain individual and
company names, titles, telephone numbers, fax
numbers, pager numbers, mobile phone numbers, and
a multiple-line address. You can store up to 575 phone

To Enter a Phone Record

1. Press TEL.
2. Type a name.

To move the cursor, use 

. To delete a flashing

character, press DEL.

3. To type more information on the next line,

first press 







4. Press ENTER and then type a telephone number.

To type a space between numbers, press SPACE.

5. To type a second telephone number, press 




123 456 7890

098 765 4321

6. Press ENTER and type one or two fax numbers.

Remember, to type a second number, first press 


To enter no number, simply press ENTER.

Using the Phone Directory


7. Press ENTER and type one or two pager num-


8. Press ENTER and type one or two mobile phone


9. Press ENTER and type an address.

To type additional lines, first press 


10. When done, press ENTER to save your record.

To Search for, Edit, or Delete a Phone

1. Press TEL.
2. Use 


 to find a record. Or type the first few

letters in its name and then use 



3. To scroll through the name, use 


4. To view its other numbers and the address,




5. To edit a phone record, first press EDIT and then

follow Steps 2-10 of “To Enter a Phone Record.”
Or, to delete a phone record, first press DEL and
then press Y to delete it or N to cancel.

 About the Automatic Shutoff

If you forget to turn off this organizer, it will shutoff
automatically about four minutes after you have
stopped using it.

Using the Phone Directory


To Enter a Memo

You can type many lines in a memo and up to 255
characters on a line.

1. Press MEMO.
2. Start typing your memo.

3. To move the cursor, use 

. To delete a flashing

character, press DEL.

4. To type on the next line, first press 






5. Press ENTER to save your memo.

To Search for, Edit, or Delete a Memo

1. Press MEMO.
2. Use 


 to find a memo. Or type its first few

letters and then use 



3. To scroll through the memo, use 


Small triangles on the screen indicate if the memo
has information that is not currently visible.

4. To edit a memo, press EDIT and then follow

Steps 2-5 of “To Enter a Memo.” Or, to delete a
memo, first press DEL and then press Y to delete
it or N to cancel.

Using the Memo Pad


To Make Metric Conversions

1. Press CONV until a metric conversion pair appears.


F         –>   M


2. Use 


  to select a conversion.

3. Type a number.
4. Press   for a forward conversion or   for a

reverse conversion.

5. To clear the conversion, use 



To Set an Exchange Rate

1. Press CONV until a currency conversion pair appears.


USD        –>   YEN


2. Use 


 to select a pair of currencies.

3. Press EDIT.
4. If you want, type a new currency abbreviation.

Currency abbreviations can have up to four charac-
ters. Use   and   to move the cursor.

5. Press ENTER.

Metric and Currency Conversions
