Save color, saturation and intensity:
You have the possibility to save up to 8 different color profiles.
• Select your desired color, saturation and intensity.
• Then press the menu button and select the ”Preset Colors“
menu by turning the adjustment knob. Press the adjustment
knob to select the ”Preset Colors“ menu.
• Turn the adjustment knob to select the different preset colors.
• To save the preset color, saturation and intensity, press the
adjustment knob once.
• To recall the saved presets, press the Menu button and select
the Preset Colors menu and choose the preset location with the
adjustment knob. To exit the ”Preset Colors“ menu, press the
Menu button.
You can use the Lumen Ring RGB to call up various preset styles
and color effects.
• Press the Menu button and select the ”Cycle Effects“ menu by
turning the adjustment knob. Press the adjustment knob to
select the function.
• Now select a color effect or style by turning the adjustment
knob. The menu item ”Mode“ is highlighted in the display.
– Transitions: 37–47, 83
– Strobe: 48-55, 84–86
– Pulse: 56–59, 81–82, 87
– Party lights: 103
– Police car: 104
– TV light: 105
– Lightning: 106
To increase or decrease the speed of the effect, press the adjust-
ment knob until „Speed“ is highlighted.
Turn the adjustment knob to adjust the speed – 1 is the slowest
speed and 32 is the fastest.
Color, Saturation and Intensity
Color effects and styles
Instead of adjusting the color temperature of the LED light ma-
nually, you can also use different motif programmes. These are
preset light situations.
Press the menu button and select the ”Light Source“ menu by
turning the adjustment knob. Press the adjustment knob to select
the function.
Now select a motif program by turning the adjustment knob.
11: Halogen bulb 3300K
12: Fluorescent soft white 3300K
13: Fluorescent warm white 3600K
14: Fluorescent white 4300K
15: Fluorescent daylight (morning/evening) 5000K
16: Camera flash 5500K
17: Fluorescent daylight (midday) 6500K
18: Daylight cloudy 6800K
19: Daylight shadow 7300K
20: Daylight snow 8500K
• After switching on, press the ”HUE / Saturation“ button.
Turn the setting knob to the left or right to switch between the
360 colors.
The menu item ”Hue“ is highlighted in the display.
• Press the ”HUE / Saturation“ button to adjust the saturation of
the color with the adjustment knob.
The menu item ”Sat“ is highlighted in the display.
Turn the adjustment knob clockwise to increase the saturation
and counterclockwise to decrease the saturation.
• Press and turn the adjustment knob clockwise to increase the
intensity and counterclockwise to decrease the intensity.
The menu item ”Int“ is highlighted in the display.
Scene Mode
HUE – RGB mode