Recording Your Performance
Data saved on a USB flash drive
The following data can be saved on a USB flash drive.
• Songs recorded on this unit (p. 23)
• Phrases recorded by the looper (p. 26)
• Registration sets (p. 28)
Root folder (top level)
Registration sets
Song files
Looper phrases
Songs recorded on this unit and phrases recorded by the looper are saved in the root folder
of the USB flash drive.
Registration sets saved by Save Registration (p. 28) will be saved in the root folder of the
USB flash drive.
Load Registration (p. 29)/Delete Registration (
PDF) can only load/delete registration
sets that are saved in the root folder of the USB flash drive.
Playing SMF/audio files from a computer
You can copy audio files (WAV, MP3, AIFF) or SMF files from your computer to a USB flash drive, and play them on this unit.
You can copy the SMF/audio files to the root folder of your USB flash drive, or you can create a folder on the USB flash drive and copy the files
into the folder.
Copy to a USB flash drive
Insert USB flash drive
• Use only single-byte alphanumeric characters in the file names and folder names.
• A maximum of 99 files can be detected in each folder.
SMF/audio files that can be played
0 or 1
* For an SMF format 1 song that has more than 16 tracks, all of the tracks might not play back
correctly in some cases.
File size
Maximum of approximately 240 KB (this will change somewhat depending on the content of the SMF)
System exclusive
Packet size must be 512 byte or less
Sampling frequency
44.1 kHz
Bit rate
MPEG-1 audio layer 3
Sampling frequency
44.1 kHz
Bit rate
32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320 kbps, VBR (Variable Bit Rate)