Roland CD-2i Workshop
Roland Corporation US Page 3
Churches and Church Musicians can:
1. Record services and other special programs direct to CD for distribution.
2. Create practice CDs for choir, song leaders, and instrumentalists.
3. Make CDs from accompaniment tapes.
4. Record and play back performances at rehearsals for evaluation.
5. Play pre-recorded CDs and raise or lower the ‘key’ in real time.
6. Play pre-recorded CDs and slow the tempo for rehearsal of difficult
7. ‘Remove’ vocals from pre-recorded CDs.
Private and Group Teachers of ALL instruments and Classroom Music Teachers
1. Create practice CDs for students.
2. Record recitals or other special programs direct to CD.
3. Make CDs from MIDI accompaniment disks.
4. Record and playback student performances during lessons for evaluation
or archiving.
5. ‘Remove’ vocals from any pre-recorded CD.
6. Play pre-recorded accompaniment CDs and raise or lower the ‘key’ of the
performance in real time.
7. Play pre-recorded accompaniment CDs and slow the tempo for the
rehearsal of difficult passages.
8. Set A-B markers for rehearsal of difficult passages.
Everyone can:
1. Produce CDs of original music.
2. Archive cassette or vinyl recordings.
We could record directly to a CD/R
or a CD/RW
(refer to the Owner’s Manual
beginning at page 40 - “Recording Acoustic Instruments or Vocals”) but there are
advantages to recording to the Secure Digital (SD) memory first, then creating your CD
from the recording tracks you have made using the SD card. These advantages include:
1. The ability to erase and reuse SD memory.
2. You waste no CD/Rs.
3. After you have recorded on SD memory you can decide the performance
order in which you will place them on your final CD/R.
4. You can OVERDUB (as many as 99 times) on the SD memory card.
Refer to SECTION 1 of the orange Quick Start Card - “Record Your Performance”.
Make (burn) a CD from the Recording
Refer to PAGE 2 of the Quick Start Card - “Create a CD from the Recorded
a CD that can record and once finalized, cannot be altered
a CD that can record and then be erased for reuse