even or indirect, pressing force shall not be more than 1 kg, no
too sudden force, otherwise, juicing effect will be reduced.
Op e r a t i n g t i me
This machine is designed with button switches of O grading, I
grading, II grading (O for stop, I for weak grading, II for strong
grading). For juicing, select strong grading, for operating time,
after operating for 1min, stop for 1min, then use again. After the
above operation is performed for three times, stop for 15 min, do
not operate until the motor is cooled, in this way , service life of
this machine will be prolonged, the machine will serve you more
efficiently .
At t e n t i o n s
1.This machine is unavailble for the weakness, unresponsive or
psychopathic person(including children), unless under the direction
or help from the person who have the responsibility for security .
Children should be overseen, so it can be testified that they are
not playing with it.
2.Before using, put this machine on a stable and even table
operate according to the above methods.