Function Description
User Manual 1504.4524.12 ─ 05
The following voltage ranges are available:
12 V
The following current ranges are available:
For a summary of the possible combinations of voltages and currents, see the charac-
teristic diagram in
Chapter 5.2.1, "Characteristic diagram"
The setting of current and voltage range determines the resolution of the module.
Because of this, the smallest possible range appropriate for any given application
should be used. The resolution of voltage setting is 16 bits plus a positive/negative
sign. For current, 16 bits represent the quantity only; no positive or negative sign can
be selected.
Below the maximum current set, the output stage works as a constant voltage source,
otherwise as a constant current source, or switches off (depending on the configura-
Please also refer to
Chapter 5.2.8, "Protective mechanisms"
Switching between source mode (Source) and load mode (Sink) is done automatically.
In sink mode, current is also regulated. In addition, the voltage is programmed to less
than the externally applied voltage, to force current flow from the test object to the R&S
TS-PSU12. This may increase the voltage at the output to rise to the level of the exter-
nal source, but not beyond the range (12 V).
Over-Voltage-Protection (OVP) should be adjusted appropriately to protect the output
stage, especially if the voltage of the external source is higher than the range.
Behaviour when the maximum current is exceeded can be defined by calling function
. When „Regulate“ (default state) is
selected in parameter behavior, the output current is limited; with “Trip” the output is
turned off.
Example of sink operation:
: Discharging an accumulator with an output voltage of 8 V to 6 V with a maxi-
mum discharge current of 0,5 A. The internal resistance of the accumulator is 1
Setting R&S TS-PSU12
: U = 6 V, I = 0,5 A
The charged accumulator with U = 8 V is connected to the R&S TS-PSU12. The R&S
TS-PSU12 controls discharging of the accumulator based on the specified setting so
that the current flows at a maximum of I = 0,5 A. Thus with an internal resistance of 1
and a maximum current of 0,5 A, the voltage difference between the output voltage of
the R&S TS-PSU12 and the voltage of the accumulator must not exceed 0,5 V. It fol-
lows that at the beginning of discharge on the output of the R&S TS-PSU12, a voltage
of 7,5 V is present, which slowly drops to a value of 6 V as the accumulator dis-
charges. Once the voltage of the R&S TS-PSU12 has reached 6 V, that value is main-
Power supply/load unit