RWL-1-SL Operating Manual.doc
prevent unauthorized person to read card numbers from the lock’s
memory. Default value: No.
Don't disturb knob switch
When option is set (Yes), rotating the knob switch located on the
internal escutcheon will disable access to the room by means of
cards. Each time door is opened using handle, knob switch returns
to off position. Default value: No (option off).
Advanced card read settings
CSN length
The parameter defines number of bytes taken from the card serial
number (CSN) and applied in the returned card number (RCN).
Default value: 8.
Mifare Classic settings
Sector type
When the parameter is enabled then returned card number (RCN)
is composed of two parts: the programmable card number (PCN)
and the card serial number (CSN).
When the option is disabled then the returned card number (RCN)
is composed of the card serial number (CSN) only.
Default value: None.
The format of the programmable card number (PCN) stored in the
card’s memory. Default value: BIN.
First byte position (FBP)
The parameter specifies the position of the most significant byte
(MSB) of programmable card number (PCN). Default value: 0.
Last byte position (LBP)
The parameter specifies the position of the least significant byte
(LSB) of programmable card number (PCN). Default value: 7.
Sector ID
The parameter specifies sector number in card’s memory where
programmable card number (PCN) is stored. Default value: 0.
Application ID
The parameter Application ID (AID) is located in card’s MAD sector
and it specifies the sector where programmable card number
(PCN) is stored if the
Sector type
(see above) is configured as
MAD. Default value: 5156 (Roger AID).
Block ID
The parameter specifies the block number where programmable
card number (PCN) is stored in a particular sector of card’s
memory. For sectors 0-31, blocks 0-2 are available while for
sectors 32-39, blocks 0-14 are available. Default value: 0.
Key type
The parameter specifies key type used for encryption of data in
card’s memory. Default value: A.
The parameter specifies 6-byte key used to encrypt data in card’s
memory. Default value: FF...FF.
tab in RogerVDM top menu enables management of the cards programmed in the lock’s
memory. As explained earlier, lock can operate with 50 users with
Main card
Backup card
or 100
users with
Main card
only. Each user can be granted with
Normal access
Office mode
authorisation. If programmed, the
Backup card
have the same authorisations as a
Main card
accompanies. When user is granted with the
Normal access
authorisation it can open a door for the
time defined by
Lock pulse
parameter. When user is granted with
Office mode
it can open the door for
unlimited time and then, when required using the same card it can terminate
Office mode
. Both
options can be granted to the same user.
When card has both authorisations, with the first card usage lock opens for
Lock pulse
time and waits
for optional second card usage what is signalled by LED SYSTEM blinking. If the card is used second