RUD-3 v1.0 EN Rev. A.doc
C o n s t r u c t i o n a n d U s a g e
RUD-3 is a miniature reader and writer for 13,56MHz ISO/IEC 14443A and Mifare
standard proximity transponders. The reader is supplied from serial USB port which is
also used for communication with the device. The RUD-3 can be used as card enroll
reader for access control system or any other application which requires card reader.
Card can be enrolled straight from the PR Master (version 4.4.6 or above is required) or
using dedicated
Roger MiniReader
application (version 1.2 or above required). RUD-3 can
also provide a transponder programmer functionality, but in such cases
(1.4 or above required) should be used. Roger company offers SDK programming
package that enables a programmer to develop customized applications for a specific
F u n c t i o n a l D e s c r i p t i o n
The RUD-3 can be used in several different scenarios:
as a reader for card enrolling to the
access system,
as a reader for card enrolling through
Roger MiniReader
as a reader and writer for card programming with
as a reader and writer used in third party applications using a DLL library provided by
SDK software.
P r o x i m i t y C a r d s
The RUD-3 was designed for ISO/IEC 14443A and Mifare proximity cards. Reader can be
configured for reading of:
CSN (Chip Serial Number)
SSN (Card number kept in specified sector of a card)
MSN (Card number kept in location addressable through MAD sector)
The CSN is returned without check sum. The SSN and MSN numbers are designated by
sector number and block within specified sector. Also, for reading of a sector the
adequate Access Key is required. For MSN number the MAD sector is deliberated using
recommended type A key: A0A1A2A3A4A5. By default, reader uses MAD sector assigned
by MSG organization to Roger company (Roger AID number: 5156). The RUD-3 returns
last seven bytes (56 bits) of the card number. Card number is transmitted starting from
the MSB to LSB (reverse order) or from LSB to MSB (normal order) and if required
supplemented with leading zeros. By default reader uses “reverse order” for CSN number
and “normal order” for MSN and SSN numbers.
CSN number (Mifare 1K card, “reverse order”)
0x64 0xE2 0x11 0x46 BCC Manufacturer Data
Reader transmits: 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46,0x11,0xE2,0x64