PR102DR Installation Guide Rev.E.doc
Fig. 6 Addressing jumpers
4.1.2 Addressing during firmware update (Fixed ID)
FixedID can be set during update of the controller firmware by means of RogerISP software. Prior
to firmware upload, RogerISP software offers the possibility to set Fixed ID address in range of
00..99 or disable it (FixedID=None). Once the FixedID is selected and uploaded to the controller
software addressing is ignored. In order to disable or modify FixedID it is necessary to start
firmware upload procedure or configure jumper address in range of 00..99.
Note: When FixedID is configured then controller address cannot be modified based on software
addressing method. FixedID address is maintained even in case of controller configuration error.
Therefore controller can be always detected on the communication bus with the same address by
means of PR Master software.
4.1.3 Addressing during Memory Reset procedure
Software address can be configured during Memory Reset procedure – see 4.2 Memory Reset
Note: Software address is effective only if the address set with jumpers on the controller is in range
of 100-127 and FixedID is None.
4.1.4 Addressing by means of PR Master software
Software address can be configured by means of PR Master software. In such case connect the
controller to PC via communication interface (e.g. UT-2USB, UT-4DR) or via CPR32-NET network
controller, detect the controller and configure the address.
Note: Software address is effective only if the address set with jumpers on the controller is in range
of 100-127 and FixedID is None.
4.2 Memory Reset procedure
Memory Reset procedure enables erasing of current settings and returning to default factory
settings. Full procedure also allows to program new Master card/PIN as well as new address of the
controller. After Memory Reset procedure, the controller automatically enters normal working mode.
Note: If current address of the controller is hardware type (see 4.1 Controller address) i.e. FixedID
or configured by means of jumpers in range of 00..99 then address selected during Memory Reset
procedure is ignored.