Detector X16
Reset to factory settings
A factory reset is performed by pressing the programming button for 8 seconds. 1 second after the button
has been pressed, the white LED starts flashing and indicates the readiness to receive a CV. After 8 sec-
onds the red LED will light up and the factory settings will be restored. The programming button should
now be released within 1 second to avoid switching back to programming mode.
R-bus status via Z21
Maintenance Tool
If you have connected the Z21
- Detector X16 correctly and if you have connected the occupancy detector
sections to be monitored with one of the 16 occupancy detection terminals, then you can use the configu-
ration software "Z21
Maintenance Tool" in the R-bus tab in the R-bus status section to verify the current
occupancy status or see which track sections are occupied.
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07.01.2019 09:38:58