PowerFlex Digital DC Drive User Manual -
Publication 20P-UM001C-EN-P - July 2008
Installation and Wiring
Line Reactors / Filters
When connecting the drive directly to the main distribution system an AC
line reactor must be used to guard against system disturbance. The type of
line reactor used depends upon the following:
the current absorbed by the AC input
the AC input voltage
the relative short circuit voltage
the AC input frequency
AC Input Line Reactors and AC Input Contactors on page A-17
a list of recommended AC line reactors.
Using Contactors
When using an AC input contactor, the IEC AC1 rating of the contactor
must be equal to the rated thermal (RMS) current value at the mains input of
the drive.
Drive configurations for AC or DC contactors, with or without a dynamic
brake, are as follows (refer to
Typical Power Wiring Diagrams on page 1-17
for wiring examples):
When only an AC contactor is used:
Set parameter
[ContactorControl] to 1 “AC Cntctr” (default
Set one [Relay Out x Sel] parameter and one [Digital Inx Sel]
parameter to “Contactor” (default value for parameters
Out 1 Sel] and
[Digital In8 Sel])
When only a DC contactor is used:
Set parameter
[ContactorControl] to 3 “DC Cntctr”
Set one [Relay Out x Sel] parameter and one [Digital Inx Sel] to
“Contactor” (default value for parameters
[Relay Out 1 Sel]
[Digital In8 Sel])
When an AC contactor and dynamic brake contactor are used:
Set parameter
[ContactorControl] to “AC DB”
Set one [Relay Out x Sel] parameter (
[Relay Out 1 Sel] or
[Relay Out 2 Sel]) to “Contactor” and the other relay output to
Set one [Digital Inx Sel] parameter to “Contactor” (default value
for parameter
Par 1391 [ContactorControl] is contained in the “Advanced” parameter configuration group. Refer to
Parameters are Organized on page 3-3
for more information.