MicroLogix™ 1000 Programmable Controllers
Publication 1761-IN001C-EN-P - March 2008
Grounding Your Controller
In solid-state control systems, grounding helps limit the effects of noise due to
electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground
screw of the controller (third screw from left on output terminal rung) to the
ground bus. Use the heaviest wire gauge listed for wiring your controller.
You must also provide an acceptable grounding path for each device in your
application. For more information on proper grounding guidelines, see the
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines,
(publication 1770-4.1).
All devices connected to the user 24V power supply or to the
RS-232 channel must be referenced to chassis ground or
floating. Failure to follow this procedure may result in
property damage or personal injury.
Chassis ground, user 24V ground, and the RS-232 ground are
internally connected. You must connect the chassis ground
terminal screw to chassis ground prior to connecting any
On the 1761-L10BWB, -L10BXB, -L16BWB, -L16BBB,
-L16NWB, -L20BWB-5A, -L32BBB, and -L32BWB controllers,
the ground associated with the user supplied 24V DC input
power and chassis ground are internally connected.
Protective Wrap
(remove after wiring)
efesotomasyon.com - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive