Rocks OK-03.5007 Manual Download Page 3



•  Zabrania się palenia ognia i papierosów w pomieszczeniach gdzie pracuje generator

•  Nie wdychać ozonu bezpośrednio z generatora

•  Po zakończeniu odkażania pomieszczenie, lub samochód intensywnie przewietrzyć

•   Zaleca się przebywanie w odkażonym pomieszczeniu dopiero po 3 godzinach od zakończenia odkażania 

•   Nie zakrywać otworów wentylacyjnych generatora

•   Nie instalować w pobliżu źródeł ciepła

•   Czyścić suchym czyściwem

•   Używać wyłącznie z gniazdami zasilającymi z uziemieniem

•   Przechowywać w miejscu niedostępnym dla dzieci

•   Dopuszczalne stężenie ozonu w pomieszczeniach, bezpieczne dla ludzi to 0,1ppm (200




). Zapach 

ozonu jest jednak odczuwalny w dużo mniejszych stężeniach, nawet przy 1/5 lub nawet 1/10 dopuszczal-

nego bezpiecznego stężenia (0,02 ppm).

Use and selection of concentration O


 / Użytkowanie i dobór stężenia O


Do not produce more ozone than is needed for your application

The efficiency of the O3 ozonator’s depends on the humidity of the air

and temperature. Do not run the ozonator’s in conditions of high humidity

Ozone treatments are best carried out at the lowest possible temperature and the lowest possible 


The recommended device operating time is ~ 60 minutes. After this time, a break of about 20 

minutes is recommended.

In the case of continuous operation over 60 min. - the device performance may be reduced due to a 

significant increase in temperature

The generator may only be operated by a person trained for this purpose.

The rule should be: 1 g ozone per 10 m3, in even and symmetrical rooms. Which means that a 

generator with an O3 capacity of 7 g / h, will open a room with a capacity of 70 m3 within one hour 

of operation. In the case of car spaces, this concentration should be increased due to the irregular 


Cleaning in car: 

1.  We place the ozone generator on the rear shelf of the car (windscreen) or between the driver’s - 

passenger seats with the ozonator outlet directed towards the cockpit.

2. Start the engine and air conditioning in a closed circuit to the lowest temperature with the blower 

in minimum (first gear), face airflow.

3. Set the ozonation time and start the device.

4. Close the vehicle doors and windows.

5. At the end of the set generator operation time, turn on the airflow to max on all possible 

ventilation ducts 2 - 4 min (engine on). Ventilate the vehicle for a minimum of 15 minutes (engine 

off). All doors open.

6. It is recommended to change the pollen filter. Place for ozonation new filter inside the car.

Performing the above operation is advisable at the lowest interior temperature of the vehicle, not 

exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. (At higher temperatures, the ozone atom bonds are less stable and 

break down, which reduces efficiency).

Ozonation of vehicles standing in the intense sun for several hours, should not take place. The vehicle 

should be ventilated and the maximum temperature reduced before the treatment in it, otherwise 

the ozonation process will have low efficiency. If there is a very intense odor, the operation should be 

