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Start with just your guitar amplifier—Plugged into recepacle number four.
Now turn on your guitar amplifier power switch if you would like the RS-4 to turn on your amp.
The guitar amplifier should not turn on, because your RS-4 power strip is unplugged (or in
standby mode). Go ahead and plug your guitar cord into its amplifier and into your guitar. Put
the guitar in your guitar stand.
Now, with main power rocker switch "on"and glowing red, check for the red pilotlight on the
front panel. If it is on, and the four dedicated leds on top are not on, then you are now in
standby mode. You are good to go. Go ahead and tap your toe on the push-button switch on
the top panel and watch your RS-4 power strip turn on your amplifier. Notice how receptacle #1
came on first followed by #2,then #3, Then your Amp in recepacle #4.
This is the moment were you decide to allow RS-4 to power up your amp or just apply power to
it. Either way is fine. Try it both ways.
Tube Amps and Standby Mode
If you have a tube Amplifier and wish to power up using the standby switch on the Amplifier.
Then do that and don't change a thing. This is really true for any rig any setup. Do everything
just like you have always done. Just add one more step by making the RS-4 as the the first
piece of gear you turn on and the last thing you turn off when you power down your rig.
Now plug your Peadleboard or special effects Stomp boxes' power cords, or the low voltage
transformers into receptacle #1 the first receptacle to turn on. Make sure to connect any
additional cords, and interconnects between guitar and amplifier. Once receptacle #1 is full,
plug additional gear into receptacle #2, and so on.
Go ahead, try it. Watch your RS-4 power strip turn on your gear in the proper sequence. Pick up
your guitar, hit a couple of chords. Now tap on that push-button switch again and watch it turn
off your guitar amplifier FIRST, followed a few seconds later by your accessories. That’s it; now
your gear is always ready when you are.