System Start-up Manual. GUARDIAN-WAM Platform
Game-Pad System
1.2.1. Connection
This Bluetooth Game-pad is used for performing manual
movements of the robot. The Bluetooth receiver is connected to a
USB port of the computer inside the Guardian.
Figure 6 - Game-pad circuit
1.2.2. Game-pad Control Sequence
It is possible to use the Game-pad for operating the Guardian
and its peripheral devices. Please follow these instructions:
1. Turn on the Robot
2. Turn on the Guardian computer by pressing the “CPU Start”
button on the Guardian’s back panel. The computer indicator
should illuminate.
3. Wait until the computer is started.
4. Release the emergency stop buttons.
5. Press the “Restart” button to reset the security system
6. When the system is ready, enable the Game-pad by pressing
its “PAIRING” button.
7. Depending on the button configuration, you will now be able
to move the robot, and activate its peripheral devices.